We have now graduated to concrete. The builder has spent quite some time laying out the new section of the house and getting ready for plumbing and the slab. We had a bit of a hiccup for a while where it looked like both the initial site survey and the architect's plans were wrong and that we needed to lose 20cm from BOTH the North/South and East/West orientations of the house. This was a bit distressing as we had to shorten a few walls that made either the bathroom smaller or had us lose the internal wall where the piano is supposed to go.
Flash forward a week from that and miraculously the 20cm was found again! It must have been hiding under a rock. Yeah right.
Anyway, the plumbing has been laid, footings poured and we're now expecting the slab to be poured any day. We are praying that the rain holds off this week.
Lol I love how they mysteriously found the 20cms:). Glad to see your progressing along:)